I went and got my tin can from the 99p store. Cheap and no hassle. I hope this tin bank makes me at least £10, becuase to be fair it's better than nothing. I went for a Winne The Pooh one- which I find adorably cute. So be quiet! But to be honest, it was the only decent one I(as a girl) could get. As expected these tins are targeted at younger children but do I care? No, I don't and you shouldn't either.
So far I have been adding in pennies to my collection. Mostly just 1p's and 2p's but there are a few 5p's, 10p's and 20p's. Another thing that people have got wrong is the logic of 1p's and
2p's. It all adds up. You only need 10 1p's to make 10p and 5 2p's to make 10p. It's not much but every penny counts.
For this bank, I have no motive with the money, however you might want to pursue one such as 'I want to buy a new game' or 'I want to buy new clothes' to stimulate and encourage you to save your money and remind you of your purpose.
Whenever you find yourself with coins, part some for your safe and
keep some for yourself. So what I do is keep money such as £1 and 50p's in my purse and give away my pennies however if I have more than just one of the 50p and £1, I have to at least put in one for my bank otherwise I'm still spending far too much. When it comes to notes, I don't put it in this because I have a savers account with Barclays and use that to save a bucket load.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you take my advice and start saving like I do.
P.S. I shall report back once I've opened it and calculated how much I've made.
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