The best and easiest way to remove blackheads is using PVA glue. I tested it out several times and can safely say that it does in fact work- it's almost as good as the real deals you see in store.
How To:
2. Makes sure your face is clean, use wipes, cleansers, etc.
3. Start by apply the PVA glue to you nose. I usually start at the sides of the nose and then work my way to the middle as we need the sides to get dryer quicker.
4. Wait for 15-20 minutes: use this time to read a book, write a book or re-evaluate your whole life (I did the last one)
5. Finally once you know the glue has dried- it becomes transparent, start off by peeling at one side- it might sting a little but that's just the blackheads being pulled out.
6. Once it's off- wash your face and add moisturiser.
And there you have it, ladies and gents: how to use school essentials to create a perfect pore strip for your nose. Try it out and let me know how it goes for you. Comment or contact me from any of my social media sites on my contacts page.
Bye for now!
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